Collaboration with Communities, Industry, Government and Aboriginal Organisations.
Batchelor Institute exists to serve the education needs of Indigenous Australians. The Institute holds an extensive history of Indigenous capacity building in remote communities in the Northern Territory, through education from pre-vocational through to higher education, and research approaches that are committed to Indigenous knowledges, epistemologies and methodologies. All our delivery is focused on client needs, interests and goals. Innovation in methodology to meet these criteria is strongly encouraged.
Batchelor Institute works collaboratively with both local and national partners in education, industry, government and community to achieve education, employment and community development outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Batchelor Institute has strong partnership arrangements with several national private businesses, government departments and peak bodies to collaboratively deliver both accredited and non-accredited pre-vocational, vocational, and work-readiness training across a range of disciplines with a demonstrated commitment to ensuring sustainable employment outcomes both for students and for the collaborative business partners.
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