myHR is the Northern Territory Government’s new Intranet-based HR facility which is:
- simply a new interface into the Personnel Information and Payroll Service (PIPS), it will not be replacing PIPS.
- user-friendly – a simple ‘point and click’ of your mouse
- an employee self-service in which you can view your leave records, payslip information and other personnel related information
- used to apply for all types of leave, overtime and temporary transfers/HDA electronically
- for a delegated officer to recommend and/or approve, as well as view, all types of leave for employees they supervise
- for you to update your personal details including home/postal/work address and telephone numbers, next of kin and EEO details.
Why use it? – It’s user friendly.
- displays your details in a web format, that is mouse driven – point and click
- leave balances are all summarised on one screen and owing balances are displayed in red text
- electronic applications for leave, overtime and temporary transfers/HDA will be used in lieu of paper based applications
- will replace paper based payslips.
Once you have accessed myHR it is recommended that you take the time to navigate the system and become familiar with its functionality. To do this, could you update your next of kin, EEO details and workplace contact details, which are found under the ‘myDetails’ menu option.
It has been agreed that where a staff member is applying for sick leave with a doctors certificate the supervisor is required, prior to approving the sick leave, to sight the doctor’s certificate and forward the certificate to the Human Resources Unit for filing on the staff member’s personal file. Regular audits will be undertaken of records to cover applications submitted for sick leave with a doctor’s certificate to ensure that the certificates have been received by Human Resources.
myHR has been designed to be easy to use but if you need some assistance there are a few options available. You can access the myHR User Guide by clicking on the Help button in the banner.
If you have any technical problems accessing myHR, please contact the Human Resource Team;
Email: humanresourcesenquiries@batchelor.edu.au
Phone: 8939 7443 or 8939 7207 or 8939 7412
myHR contains a number of application forms (leave, overtime and HDA). When you complete any of these forms they are forwarded to your supervisor for approval by clicking on the send button in the form. Once your supervisor receives the e-mail, they can open the form and action your request. You will receive an e-mail notification of this action. As myHR relies on accurate e-mail addresses to provide the workflow function, it would be helpful if you could check your e-mail address in myDetails / contacts and ensure the address is set to your correct work email address.
If you are a supervisor or manager and have delegated authority to approve employees applications for leave etc. then you should read the supervisors notes in the myHR User Guide. myHR uses the delegations within PIPS to determine who can approve / not approve / transfer employees applications. If you receive an application via e-mail, open the e-mail and click on the link within the e-mail. This opens the application in myHR and you can action the application.
Once an application has been actioned (i.e. Approved) you can not change that action. If you decide to delay actioning the application it is a good idea to set up a separate folder in your Microsoft Office Outlook email to store these e-mails until you are ready to deal with them. If the myHR email message is deleted before actioning the application, the ability to approve or transfer the application is lost. If this occurs, the application will need to be resent.