Holtze Campus – Darwin Correctional Precinct – BIITE Graduation Ceremony Thursday 24th October 2019.
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education (BIITE) has been delivering accredited training in the Darwin Correctional facility since 2012. Originally it all began with a NT White Card training program delivery which paved the way for a formal Service Level Agreement (SLA) with NT Correctional Services in 2015.
On establishing the SLA, Batchelor Institute has established 2 campuses in the Correctional Centres in the NT – Holtze Campus – Darwin Correctional Precinct in Howard Springs and Alice Springs Correctional Centre Annex – in Alice Springs.
To date, the SLA has delivered approx. 1100 qualifications and 700 high risk licences, NT White Card and skillsets across various industries.
The graduation ceremony on the 24th Oct was a day of celebration at the Darwin Correctional Precinct for the prisoners who completed their nationally recognised qualifications with Batchelor Institute.
50 male prisoners and 9 female prisoners graduated in the presence of the Hon Natasha Fyles, Attorney – General and Minister for Justice, Prof Steve Larkin – CEO BIITE, Mr Scott McNairn, Commissioner- NT Correctional Services, Dr Wendy Ludwig – DCEO VET BIITE and elders from Tiwi Island and Wadeye from the Elders Visiting Program.

Prof Larkin, in his address to the graduates, stated “Your graduation today is an important achievement. You are gaining qualifications and skills which can change your life course. Through your hard work, you are writing a new chapter in your life story.”
On the 21st September 2019, the partnership between BIITE and the NT Dept of Corrections were recognised as the winner of the Industry Collaboration Category of the NT Training Awards for 2019. This award is in recognition of the commitment and dedication of all members of the collaboration to bring about the delivery of quality training and education to people who are wanting to make positive changes in their lives.