On Friday, May 3rd a Batchelor Institute Community Graduation was held in Yirrkala at the Buku-Larrnggay Mulka Centre for seventeen Rangers who manage their Indigenous Protected Areas in North East Arnhem Land. Sixteen Yirralka (part of the Laynhapuy Homelands Aboriginal Corporation) Rangers and one Dhimurru Ranger (part of the Dhimurru Aboriginal Corporation) celebrated the completion of the Certificate II in Conservation and Land Management at the graduation. A community presentation was also held at Gapuwiyak community on May 1st.
Ranger djama (work) is recognised as, doing important work, looking after country and rangers are respected and seen as role models in their communities. The rangers were acknowledged at the graduation for their hard work and continuing training to gain skills for the ongoing and future management of their land and sea country.
Batchelor Institute are proud partners on this learning journey, supporting the organisations and rangers working and training in their local communities and out stations. We also recognise the skills and training from other providers to complete the course.
Batchelor Institute was represented by Sam (Samantha) Crossman, Director Executive Services, and David (Djewul) Gardiner, VET Lecturer, Conservation and Land Management