Batchelor Institute researchers have a long tradition of meeting the highest possible research integrity standards. Batchelor Institute has established a Research Ethics Advisory Committee which provides advocacy, additional support, guidance and, on ‘low risk’ applications approval for Institute researchers and Higher Degree by Research candidates. This is not a NHMRC registered Human Research Ethics Committee it is a referral body and additional support and advice for candidates.
As an Institute we acknowledge that all research involves degrees of risk for researchers, research collaborators, participants and communities. It is recognised and respected that current codes and guidelines for ethical research conduct in Australia prioritise the protection of First Nations peoples from exploitation and harm. It is also acknowledged that a majority of researchers engaged in First Nations research are non-Indigenous and that ethics application and approval processes are targeted at this population rather than for First Nations researchers.
Please note that all Higher Degree Research candidates in the Graduate School are required to submit to the Ethics Advisory Committee to ensure they obtain the correct ethical clearance for their research award.
The Committee:
- Reviews and provides feedback on ethical considerations and risks associated with First Nations research projects associated with the Institute
- Refers to NHMRC registered Human Research Ethics Committees all First Nations research that is more than ‘low risk’. Providing advocacy and additional support to First Nations applicants in order to foster successful HREC approvals
- Identifies other bodies where approval for a research project may need to be sought
- Records all ethics applications associated with the Institute including submission, review, notices of conditional and final approval and approvals for variation
- Provides research approvals for ‘low risk’ First Nations research
The National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) defines “low risk” research as research where the only foreseeable risks are associated with discomfort. Defined as less serious than harm, low risk research may include studies:
- which do not involve an intervention that could result in harm to participants;
- which do not involve subjects who are vulnerable;
- social science questionnaires on non-controversial, non-personal issues and is unidentified;
- observational studies in public situations which focus on non-sensitive areas;
- studies where the focus is on the researchers own self and body experiences;
- and studies of existing de-identified data, documents and records.
Batchelor Institute researchers and HDR candidates can submit to the Committee in a number of ways:
- Complete the Institutes Research Ethics Advisory Committee Application Form. Researchers and candidates who may be undertaking low risk research as well as those requiring a full Human Research Ethics clearance will be advised as to how to progress their submission for clearance and approval.
- Complete an Ethics Application form from any of the NHMRC registered Human Research Ethics Committees. This is suited to researchers and HDR candidates who have identified a HREC of choice and who wish to receive additional guidance before submission to enhance clearance and approval success.
- Submit an approved HREC application for Institute noting and monitoring, including all notices of conditional and final approval and approvals for variation. All Institute based (and/or associated) researchers have a responsibility to provide ethical clearance and approval information to the EAC on all research projects proposed and undertaken.
There are 5 options for students lodging ethics applications:
1. If the Student has a relationship with another Institution they could go through their Ethics Committee.
2. If the Student’s Supervisor has a relationship with another Institution they could go through their Ethics Committee.
3. The students could redesign their project to be low risk and apply through BI Ethics Advisory Committee.
4. The student could submit their ethics application to NT HRECs.
5. Otherwise, the student can lodge their application with AIATSIS.
Ethics Advisory Committee Meetings 2025
Thursday 6 March
Thursday 8 May
Thursday 7 August
Thursday 30 October