Direct all of your accommodation enquiries to the Residential Supervisors on (08) 8939 7237 between 8.30am and 4.21pm everyday. The office phone number will be redirected to a mobile phone if unattended or after hours. The after hours mobile number is 0428 287 109 if you wish to call it directly.
Eyesight Security work from 4.30pm to 8:00am Monday to Friday, and work 24 hours on Weekends and Public Holidays.
Security Guards can be contacted via phone or email during contracted hours:
Phone: 0447 021 113
Email: patrol_eyesight@bigpond.com
The Batchelor campus has four types of shared accommodation:
- Dormitory: single and double rooms
- Duplex: two x three bedroom units
- Triplex: three x two bedroom units
- and a disability support block.
You will need to bring your own toiletries, bath towels and an alarm clock if you need it.
At our residential campuses we provide a safe, no-alcohol environment to support you in your learning journey.
In accordance with clear and consistent messages from your communities, the Institute Council has ruled that alcohol and other drugs may not be brought into, or consumed within, Institute facilities, including the student and staff residences. This rule applies to all Institute facilities including Institute vehicles.
Smoking is not allowed in any lecture rooms, administrative buildings, or in any Institute vehicles.
You will be issued with keys to your accommodation on arrival at the Institute. They can be returned to one of the Residential Supervisors or placed in the key box located at the front of the residential office. Note: If you lose your keys, you will be charged $10.00 for a replacement.
Residential blocks are cleaned prior to arrival and on departure with common areas and toilets cleaned daily. While on campus you are responsible for the cleaning of your bedroom and any other area with personal items. Washing machines are to be left clean and ready for the next person to use (Laundry detergent, personal hygiene products, snack food and stationery can be purchased at SRC cafe or the Batchelor store). Cleaning gear is located in the cupboard above the kitchen sink. To refill your empty cleaning agent bottles, bring them to the residential office.
Bins in the shared common areas are emptied daily (Mon- Fri). Duplexes and triplexes have a wheelie bin on the verandah for residents to empty internal bins into during their stay. If there are any problems please advise the Residential Supervisors.
Report all maintenance problems directly to a Residential Supervisor.
Students’ vehicles are to be parked in the car parks provided near the accommodation blocks. Vehicles must not be parked on the lawn alongside the accommodation or driven on to the grassed areas.
CSSU Yera Childcare Centre caters for children from 0–5 years old. They also provide an After School Care Program for children up to the age of 12 and a pre-school pick up service. The child care is available from 7.45am to 4.30pm on weekdays.
For information about the Centre and its charges, contact the Centre Director on Phone: (08) 8976 0934 or 0499 799 888.
You need to get your own luggage to the residential office on the day you are departing from the campus. If you require assistance you should contact the Residental Supervisors. The Institute will not be responsible for storing your luggage.
Make sure that your room is clean, fans, air-conditioner and lights are switched off and that the room key is returned to a Residential Supervisor or placed in the key box located outside the residential office. If you are departing early by private vehicle, please let a Residential Supervisor know so that the room you are leaving can be prepared for further bookings.
Changing rooms: If you want to move from the room that has been allocated to you please speak to the Residential Manager. Every attempt will be made to accommodate students appropriately. However, at times due to high occupancy rates, not all requests may be met.
There are serious fines for lighting fires anywhere in the Northern Territory without a permit. During the dry season in the Top End there is often a Total Fire Ban declared and you must not light fires anywhere. Please check with the Student Support and Counselling Unit before using the designated fire pit.
Residential Team
Building Blue 30
Batchelor Campus
Fax: (08) 8939 7180
Email: residential@batchelor.edu.au
Freepost Address
Reply Paid 62113
Attention: Residential
Batchelor Institute
C/- Post Office