A USI (Unique Student Identifier) is an individual education number for life. It also creates an online record of a student’s Australian training achievements.
New or continuing students undertaking nationally recognised training, will need a USI in order to be enrolled to receive their qualification or statement of attainment.
A USI has no cost and students may apply for a USI, or access their existing USI independently by visiting: www.usi.gov.au
If a student applies for a USI independently they will need to advise Batchelor Institute of this number on the enrolment form.
Alternatively, Batchelor Institute can create or access your existing USI on your behalf. For Batchelor Institute to create or access a USI on behalf of a student, students will be required to:
- Provide ‘Proof of Identity’ Acceptable forms of ID are listed on the cover page of the enrolment form
- Complete Section 1 on the Enrolment Form including:
- Place of Birth
- Mark the box to enable Batchelor Institute Student Administration staff to create a USI on your behalf or access your pre-existing USI through the USI Registered Training Organisational Portal
For more information about the Unique Student Identifier please visit: www.usi.gov.au/about